You may recognise the term “vampire facial,” which is essentially what PRP as a facial treatment is. Injecting PRP restores and rejuvenates the condition of your skin at the deepest layers by providing natural healing. The plasma that is drawn from your own body is believed to contain powerful restorative properties that have incredible benefits, from creating an even tone to smoothing the skin.
Platelet-rich plasma as a treatment is administered by our fully qualified cosmetic specialists. Blood is drawn from your body, and the sample is prepared by separating the platelets and plasma from the remainder of your blood. Once the PRP is isolated, we will use the plasma to inject into your skin and work on improving the localised problem areas you wish to improve. As the platelets release growth factors into the dermal layers, it boosts natural collagen production and elasticity. Blood flow in the dermis is stimulated and skin is left feeling smoother, more supple and younger.
PRP therapy is also applied to other problem areas of the body. It can be administered to the sensitive area around the eyes to reduce dark circles and is added to the cheeks and around lips to smooth lines and create volume. Many patients have also experienced improvements in pigmentation and wrinkle reduction across the neck, decolletage and the back of the hands.
Prior to treatment, you will consult with your cosmetic professional, who will evaluate your skin condition and discuss your goals for treatment. An individualised and targeted plan is created to address problem areas without the need for an invasive procedure.